Friday, January 22, 2010

Placement Of Cervix Posterior Cervix, What Does It Mean?

Posterior cervix, what does it mean? - placement of cervix

I was ready for inspection and placement of the IUD, I said now have a posterior cervix, what does that mean? I have a child and had followed a very difficult pregnancy (oligohydraminos), even worse about 36 hours after birth, still connected, and what it means in terms of future fertility. I went to the doctor's lives by taking a medication (to expand my cervix should take the same medicine at the maternity benefit), but just wanted some advice first. Thanks in advance!


darr65 said...

"Normally," the cervix (opening of the uterus) leans against his belly sperm can enter the uterus and makes it easy birth less difficult. With posterior neck, the opening is inclined so that aligned to the rear. (Press before the abdomen, from the media after his debut in a neck muscle) Pregnancy difficult to explain, because if the baby's head was bent back through the birth canal. A neck area can reduce your chances of conceiving in the future, because the seeds can) have trouble finding the opening in the uterus (for lack of better terms, but became pregnant sooner than you might be pregnant again. Some people do not even understand why. If you find any difficulties in the future to become pregnant, there are sexual positions that seek to increase their chances of Goping sperm in the cervix. do not hesitate to ask your doctor specific.

LadySlip... said...

Cervix (cervical plural) are mobile in the vagina.
They move back and forth, back and forth and back and forth.
Not pregnant, they tend to live in the same area, but in pregnancy the depth of the head to the front of the cervix and the central head or cause to fall, while the neck is still posterior (towards more on the back of the vagina ).
If the cervix is posterior is also closed and not open to everyone. If you become pregnant, the cervix starts to change in response to the hormones that will circulate in the body. Ultimately, this means the birth of the child when the cervix is fully open.

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